Sharing your knowledge through a Community of Practice
The fact is that “no one person knows everything”, however, everyone knows something. How we therefore, get to a point where we get the opportunity to access to the pool of individuals that have the information that is relevant to us can be daunting task. Hence the importance of finding platforms, initiatives and tools that can enable us to expand our knowledge and understanding on certain key issues that we are interested in.
One such a way is to join or champion a “Community of Practice" also referred to as a CoP. A CoP is a community of individuals sharing with similar interests or passion and consists of “members who interact with each other for their pursuit of a common practice".
The Cop serves as a collective social practice that links individuals together across official organizational boundaries and departments, and makes up the community, be it reading club, research platform and networking engagement initiatives. As individuals in particular professionals in organisations it is difficult to find like-minded people to share your knowledge and experiences with.
That is the reason LawSpaceAfrica is dedicated to having a platform for students, law professionals and lawyers interested in specific fields of law for information sharing purposes. You do not have work in an area to have an interest but can benefit with staying engaged on issues that are particularly important to you. Let us enhance our knowledge and build a better Africa.

The fact is that “no one person knows everything”, however, everyone knows something. How we therefore, get to a point where we get the opportunity to access to the pool of individuals that have the information that is relevant to us can be daunting task. Hence the importance of finding platforms, initiatives and tools that can enable us to expand our knowledge and understanding on certain key issues that we are interested in.
One such a way is to join or champion a “Community of Practice" also referred to as a CoP. A CoP is a community of individuals sharing with similar interests or passion and consists of “members who interact with each other for their pursuit of a common practice".
The Cop serves as a collective social practice that links individuals together across official organizational boundaries and departments, and makes up the community, be it reading club, research platform and networking engagement initiatives. As individuals in particular professionals in organisations it is difficult to find like-minded people to share your knowledge and experiences with.
That is the reason LawSpaceAfrica is dedicated to having a platform for students, law professionals and lawyers interested in specific fields of law for information sharing purposes. You do not have work in an area to have an interest but can benefit with staying engaged on issues that are particularly important to you. Let us enhance our knowledge and build a better Africa.